Director's Corner: Jeannine Watson - LaPorte High School

I think we’ve all heard the quote:

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Think of this quote when it comes to achieving that goal that you believe is unattainable. Or that dream job that’s already turned you down once.

Take Jeannine Watson, Director of the LaPorte High School Chatos Dance Team, for example. She just wrapped her first year at the reigns, and she’s living her dream. But, it took Watson 17 years worth of steps to get where she ultimately wanted to be. That was when she first interviewed for the position. Unfortunately, she didn’t get the job. She could have viewed it as a bump in her path but instead, it was the first step in her journey.

Watson, a former Chato herself, had been choreographing the LaPorte High School musicals, so she continued her work there. The former Kilgore College Rangerette and University of Houston alum also had the opportunity to study in New York for a summer at the Broadway Dance Center, and she performed professionally with the Houston Metropolitan Dance Company.

It wasn’t long before Watson landed her first director position at B.F. Terry High School in Rosenberg, Tex. This was the start of an impressive director resume that spans 11 years.

But, it was about three years ago when Watson took one of her biggest steps in her journey.  

“I heard that the director and then also the dance teacher were close to retiring. At the time my son was like 8 years old and I just really wanted to spend more time with him,” Watson said. “It was a really good opportunity to transition. So I actually came back to LaPorte, but went into the classroom to wait.”

She taught English for that span and continued to choreograph and dance in the process. When the dance teacher position opened, Watson interviewed and was hired.

Then, the Chatos Director position opened. Of course, she was in Africa when she heard the news. Did being in another continent stop her? Nope. Watson did her interview from overseas, her biggest step, yet.

“I’ll try not to cry. I’ve always wanted to be the director here at LaPorte. It’s been really neat to watch how God is working, and he had a plan in place,” Watson said. “It’s just home. To not have gotten the position 17 years ago and to see everything that God has brought me through, it’s really just overwhelming. My gratitude is overflowing that he would let me have that opportunity now.”

Watson’s story is an inspiration to anyone that finds themselves discouraged on the journey to achieve their dream, and there’s no doubt her dancers have taken heed. In her first year with the Chatos Dance Team, the girls have had to work without a studio space, as the studio is under construction. Though inconvenient, the girls kept moving.

“I think probably one of the proudest or the best moments throughout the year is to see how well the girls handle adversity. We’ve gone to contests and we’ve done so well and they’ve worked so hard,” Watson said. “I think coming in and knowing that we weren’t going to have the studio and that we would have all of these things stacked against us, its just been a pleasant surprise not to only see them rise, but to see them excel. They’ve taught me that they can do more and more and more.” 

Congratulations, Ms. Watson on a successful first year!


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