The Importance of Being Yourself

By: Brooke Wilson After over a decade and a half of being a professional actor, I am certain I have the secret to true success. It isn’t something you have to pay for, or go to school for and study at length. It is not a magic tool or secret that someone gives you. It is within you… It is simply being yourself. Now, how many times have we heard that?? It seems so cliché, which is probably why I had a hard time applying it at first. I was always trying to be true to what makes me happy, but I would sometimes feel I needed to apologize for the things that made me who I am, the things that made me different. Things that made me stand out. Things that made me…ME!! After spending 8 years in New York City, you find yourself trying to fit the mold of what you think a casting director or choreographer wants of you. “What leotard should I wear, what song should I sing, should I curl my hair or wear it straight?" All questions that race through our minds at lightning speed as w...