Three Tips for Choosing Competition Songs

Do you ever hear a song that just resonates with your soul, makes you want to move, and you start to consider the solo possibilities for it? Then, you remember you aren’t a bomb contemporary dancer and the song screams contractions and extensions. Total buzz kill, right?

Well, let me tell you. Kudos to you for having self-awareness! Because there’s nothing worse than seeing a killer jazz funk mover trying to execute a poor contemporary piece to a moving song.

I’ve come up with three things that every dancer should keep in mind when selecting a song to perform to (this can apply to solos, duets, trios, ensembles, etc.):
  1. Stay true to yourself.  You know what you do best, and you know your best work. That’s what you want to put out there. Trust me, I get it. When that new Adele drops, you can imagine the most beautiful contemporary piece. But if it’s not what you’re best at, leave it in your head. Focus on songs that match your dance style and best fits you.
  2. Stay away from Top 40 songs. The song “Gold” by Kiiara might sound like a good idea right now, thanks to it’s awesome beat, but after hearing it for the 2,394th time from rehearsing and 722 times more on the radio, it becomes a nightmare. Not to mention, you probably won’t be the only dancer to use it. Dare to be creative with your song choices! If you have an artist that you like, browse their library of music and see if you find something that speaks to you. Maybe even kick it old school!
  3. Stay connected. After weeding out a few options, truly listen to the songs. Which song are you the most connected to? Because that’s the one you will genuinely enjoy performing to.
At the end of the day, it’s all about having fun and dancing your heart out. We want you to love what you’re doing and be proud of the work that you are putting out there. Hopefully, these three tips will take you three giant steps forward!

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