The Importance of Dance Officer Workshops

In addition to providing quality dance classes to our clients throughout Texas, Masterclass Dance Company offers dance officer workshops for dance teams!

      So, what exactly is a dance officer workshop? Our Director of Curriculum Courtney Nelson took the time to answer a few common questions about our dance officer workshops. 

      Courtney has over a decade of director experience, and we're proud to have her knowledge and expertise when it comes to developing these workshops. Check out what she had to say below:
      Q1: So, what happens in a dance officer workshop? 
      Courtney: Dance Officers workshops are customized to the needs and desires of the director.  We work through leadership lessons, situational expectations, goal setting and planning.  We also work on how to choreograph, teach and polish dances. During these workshops, students may walk away with an officer notebook and planner.  Workshops can be scheduled anywhere from 4-8 hours. 
      Q2: What are some of the goals dancers achieve in that time frame? 
      Courtney: Our goal for workshops is for the dance officers to walk away with knowledge and the “how to” to execute their year successfully! 
      Q3: What is the most valuable lesson dance officers learn in these workshops? 
      Courtney: I feel like these workshops are very eye-opening for students, and it helps them learn the expectations and roles of a dance officer. 
      Q4: From the perspective of a former director, what value do you see in having these workshops available to dance officers? 
      Courtney: It is nice to have someone else to help mold the officers in a way that best suits the individual team! 
      Q5:  Why recommend a MCDC dance workshop to a director? 
      Courtney: While some information may be generic, we at MCDC focus the workshop on the specific needs of the team and director, touching on the specific areas of improvement for the new officer line!
   Learn more about our Dance Officer Workshops here!


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