MCDC Staff Spotlight: Michelle Mayo
Michelle Mayo You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take. This statement is a good one to hold in the back of your mind for every day life. It definitely can apply to your dance dreams/dance auditions, as well. I know a lot of dancers, myself included, who hold themselves back from auditioning for dream roles because of fear and anxiety. THAT ENDS TODAY. Take our staff member, Michelle Mayo, for example. If she let fear get in the way of her dreams, she would have never tried out to be a Klein Oak Strutter. She would have never been a world-famous Kilgore College Rangerette. She most certainly wouldn’t have performed at Theatre Under the Stars in Houston or Casa Manana in Fort Worth. Instead, Michelle went after those goals. That’s why she’s currently performing at the most magical place on Earth! Check out her journey here: MCDC: So, how did your gig with Disney World come about? Michelle Mayo: I’d just finished a contract with Casa Manana in Fort Wort...